There are a few telltale signs that a Houston police officer is about to arrest you for driving while intoxicated (DWI). If you’ve been drinking and it’s obvious, an officer may attempt to pull you over. If they aren’t able to pull you over and are forced to make a traffic stop, they will have grounds for making a DWI arrest. The process for making a drunk driving arrest in the state of Texas is the same as the federal process used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. If it’s obvious that you’ve been drinking and you’re driving, the officer will likely have grounds for a DWI arrest.
Check for signs of a DWI.
The most obvious and easily recognizable signs of a DWI are blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and driving patterns. If an officer can see that you are excessively intoxicated, he or she will likely make an attempt to stop you, regardless of whether there are other factors involved.The best way to tell if the officer will arrest you for drunk driving is to pay attention to his or her body language. If the officer is visibly upset or visibly nervous about the fact that you are driving, they may suspect that you are intoxicated.If an officer cannot see that you are intoxicated and cannot pull you over, he or she will typically radio for assistance and attempt to catch up to you. They will likely attempt to catch up to you by tailing you for a significant amount of time, which will allow them to observe how you are driving.
Have the officer observe you for signs of intoxication.
If the police officer has you pull over, he or she may ask you to exit your vehicle and walk to the front of the vehicle. The officer will then ask you to perform a field sobriety test. This is where things get tricky, because the results of these field sobriety tests are not admissible in court. If the officer smells alcohol on your breath or sees other visible signs of intoxication, he or she may then arrest you for DWI.There are a few common field sobriety tests that an officer may ask you to perform, but there are no standards for what kind of result will lead to a DWI arrest. It is important to note that you do not have to fail any of these tests in order for the officer to make a DWI arrest.
Watch for other signs of intoxication.
If a police officer has you pull over and attempts to make you perform a field sobriety test, he or she may also ask you about your alcohol consumption. During this portion of the interaction, the officer may be able to tell if you are intoxicated based on your speech, your mannerisms, and your ability to follow instructions.If you have been drinking, you may slur your words, be unable to follow directions, and have difficulty maintaining eye contact with the officer. If the officer believes that you are intoxicated, he or she may make a DWI arrest.All of these signs are not always present, but if any of them are, the officer may make a DWI arrest.
The roadside breathalyzer test.
One of the most common ways that officers can establish a DWI is through the roadside breathalyzer test. If an officer thinks that you are intoxicated and he or she cannot observe any of the signs of intoxication listed above, they may administer a roadside breathalyzer test to you.If you fail this test, the officer may then make a DWI arrest. In certain instances, the officer may also administer a blood test to you. The results of the blood test may be used in court if you choose to fight the DWI charge.
Be aware of what you say.
When speaking with an officer, it is important to be mindful of what you are saying to him or her. You should be careful not to say anything that you wish you had not said.If an officer asks if you have been drinking, it is best to say “no.” Avoiding this word, “yes,” will help you avoid a DWI, even if you have been drinking. If an officer asks if you have been drinking and you say “yes,” you will likely be arrested for drunk driving.If an officer asks if you have been drinking and you say “no,” he or she may give you a Breathalyzer test. If the officer believes that you are intoxicated, he or she may make a DWI arrest. If the Breathalyzer test is positive for alcohol and you say “no,” the officer may also make a DWI arrest.
If you are driving and you believe that you may be intoxicated, the best thing to do is pull over immediately and get out of your vehicle. If an officer attempts to pull you over, you should not attempt to speed away. It is important to remain calm and allow the officer to approach you. A DWI arrest can be a very serious charge, and it is important to have an attorney on your side to help you fight the charge.